Philadelphia PA
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul
The Rodin Museum Grounds
Miscellaneous Photos
There's a bus called the Philly Phlash that costs $5.00 for the whole day for adults and if you're a senior it's free. It follows the red loop and you can get off and on along the way. We took the train to the city and were going to ride the complete Phlash loop. What we didn't consider was that it was Pride Parade day and when we got there the police were closing off streets for the parade That was around 10:30 am. We boarded the last bus leaving from this stop (#3) and headed out.

Our first stop was (#6)
Across the street from the cathedral was a pretty neat park, called Sister Cities Park.
I don't know what company this is, but I liked the logo.
Our next stop was the Rodin Museum. (stop #8)
The Shade
Sights in Philly
We got back to catch our train around 2:15 and the Pride parade was still going strong. That's Independence Center in the background.
We toured the mint, but of course, no photos and no samples.
Here are some miscellaneous signs that I found interesting. Check out an earlier blog post (6/7/17 Seneca Falls, Women's Rights Museum)) for more on Lucretia Mott.
William Proctor, I'll have to learn more about him. Not much on Wikipedia.
We saw these somewhere last year, still a great idea.
Fitting to add this on the Pride weekend.
Love this sign.
The Corn Exchange National Bank and Trust Co.
Cool tall doors.
Every day on our way to the train station, we saw this on an exit ramp. Some trucker took this turn a bit too wide.